Renault Trucks

Concrete Ramp Installation and Drainage Repair


Renault Trucks, a leading commercial vehicle manufacturer, faced a critical issue at their site where the driveways and drainage systems had experienced sinking due to the substantial weight of lorries passing through the area. This sinking not only posed safety risks but also hindered smooth operations. Renault Trucks sought a solution to reinforce the driveways and repair sunken drainage across their site.

Renault Trucks


Initial Assessment:

Midlands Maintenance conducted a thorough assessment of the site, identifying the areas where the driveways had sunk due to the heavy lorries and pinpointing the damaged drainage spots.

Customized Solution:

To address the sinking driveways, reinforced concrete ramps were proposed and designed to bear the weight of the lorries. Additionally, the damaged drainage was identified for replacement with improved, load-bearing systems.

Health and Safety Precautions:

Prior to commencing work, comprehensive health and safety precautions were put in place to ensure the safety of workers and the Renault Trucks team. Proper safety protocols and equipment were provided to minimize risks during the project.

Installation and Repair:

Midlands Maintenance’s team, working during normal business hours, executed the installation of reinforced concrete ramps and replaced the sunken drainage across the site. The concrete ramps were strategically placed to ensure optimal load distribution and durability.

Quality Assurance:

Upon completion, a rigorous quality assurance process was conducted to ensure the concrete ramps were structurally sound and met safety standards. Drainage systems were thoroughly tested to guarantee functionality and prevent future issues.


The project was completed successfully within the stipulated timeframe during normal working hours. The reinforced concrete ramps provided a reliable solution to the sinking driveway issue, effectively withstanding the weight of lorries and ensuring safe passage. The replacement of the sunken drainage improved the overall drainage efficiency at the Renault Trucks site.

Midlands Maintenance’s dedication to health and safety precautions during the project underscored the commitment to ensuring a secure working environment. This project showcased the expertise of Midlands Maintenance in efficiently addressing infrastructure issues and ensuring the smooth operation of Renault Trucks’ site.

© Midlands Maintenance Nottingham Limited. Company Number 13596350